Friday, March 12, 2010

The British Museum and Great Portland Square

Assyrian Hall. Some say Assyrian monarchs were big-headed. See, as evidence, the HUGE bust spotlighted behind that pleased looking Brit in the middle of my picture. "Oh, I say!"

Why decorate your palace with anything BUT these wonderful stone carving texts?

The Assyrian Hall, without flash.

!!!!! THE ROSETTA STONE !!!!! I only had to murder 2098080 tourists to get a good enough view of this piece of rock that apparently has some linguistic significance. Verdict: Much less disappointing than the Mona Lisa.

Septimus Severus, renowned Emperor. Greatest armless battle lord EVER.

Hadrian and Hadrian's lover, Antinous. In a gesture of outstanding sensitivity, the curator's placed Hadrian's wife's bust directly across from these two, so that she could stare at their immortalized affair for ages to come.

Don't you hate waking up from eternal rest to find that someone's split you and your coffin in half?

Humans stab bulls and gain divine power.

Large vicious felines bite bulls in the posterior and gain sustenance.
Bulls got a bum classical rap.

What Vikings put on the end of their skiffs.

The British Museum's front door. No big deal.

On the way to the British Museum.

Various store front.
The Albany Pub at Great Portland Street. For Dad.

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