Friday, March 12, 2010

What's to Come

Dear Friends,

I apologize profusely for not posting for the past couple of weeks. I've been super busy with mid term papers. However, I've also gotten some good news--this summer, I'll be Denise Baker's research assistant over the summer, so that's really exciting. Also, my Spring Break Plans are coming together. First, Paris with my parents and Katie! Then, Dublin to visit Kyle and the manuscript of Piers Plowman that I'll be working on over the summer (YES). Finally, a possible trip to Rome and Florence! All in all, my life is awesome.

Also, I finished my essay before the due date.

Finally, I got the best birthday present EVER!!!! Nana sent me her famous double chocolate cookies and some white chocolate candy a la Aunt Ellen. Made my day! In fact, Mareike, my friend from Germany, is currently eating one of the famous cookies. They have gained international acclaim!

More to come: The Clink Prison Museum, Walking about the Thames, and Shakespeare's Globe!


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