Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm leaving for NYC today! I'll be driving to Raleigh and flying to LaGuardia.

I'm really pleased to be spending 6 days in NYC, and even more than really pleased NOT to be flying into Newark. Newark is an awful place, filled with angry angry transportation workers who dislike polite citizens attempting to find their way to NYC. It's true.

I'm all packed, except for finding some photos that I put up on my wall while at school. I want to take them with me, so that I can remember all of you.

There are many ways in which the above sentence could be construed as creepy. Say, perhaps, that we don't know each other, or don't know each other that well. Well, there could very well be a photo of you (perhaps even with me, lurking in the background) hanging near my bed. All. Semester. If that doesn't give you the warm and fuzzies, I don't know what will.

Yes. Photos. Must find them.


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