Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Dubliners--or Ireland, Part 3

At last...I took very few pictures in Dublin, and I'm very angry with myself for this. However, I'm returning in May, so this will be REMEDIED!

There are all these bronzed statues in Dublin, all with rude, rhyming names associated. I took a picture of this one because I can post its name without offending anyone. Here are the Hags with the Bags.

Pheonix Park: The biggest urban park in Europe. We spent a sunny, pleasantly breezy afternoon napping here.

DUBLIN CASTLE! Why do I not have ANY nice pictures of this? There was a wedding in here on the day we tried to tour it, which was lame. People should find better things to do with their time. We thought about asking them to leave, but decided that even the plebs have to have a celebration once in a while, to keep them satisfied and whatnot.

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