Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ireland Part 2: Cork

Our second day trip was to Cork city--about a three hour train ride from Dublin.

This is the first thing we really paid attention to getting off the train. It's just this really discreet archway in the middle of a busy, industrial street.

We never expected to see anything like THIS in the middle of Cork, but when we passed under the archway...It's a lovely restaurant and hotel. We thought about eating in the restaurant, but then we realized that we're students and have budgets.

Cork City Center.

Old Lady with Onions. As soon as I pulled out my camera, Kyle wanted to know why I would take a picture of this particular statue. After a couple days to reflect, I still have no idea.

Yay for random religious structures in city centers? Cork also has similarly random free standing public toilets and cafes, in the middle of sidewalks.

The river Lee--An Laoi, in Irish-- in the middle of Cork.

St. Finbarr's Cathedral!

The front of St. Finbarr's.

An organ.

A river also runs through the middle of Cork University. I'm not jealous.

Not jealous at all.

Okay, I'm a bit jealous.

A bit.

I dragged Kyle to a wax figure prison museum. It was a must see. They gave us these great little audio guides, and it was...really educational.

The outside of Cork Prison. We were the last guests, and the woman who was closing up informed us before we left that we were actually locked in the grounds, and that she'd have to let us out "in a few minutes." We were only a little, tiny bit nervous as the minutes ticked onwards that perhaps we would become permanent inmates. Well, Kyle may have been nervous. I was excited. As previously mentioned, I love wax figure prison museums. Then she let us out. Ah, well. Another dream crashed.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gina,

    I am shocked and offended that you posted a picture of an organ right on your blog. Mom and Dad look at this blog! You disgust me!

    Okay, Miss you, bye!
