Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Final Night in France

After having taken Paris and the Loire Valley by storm, it was finally time to part ways. However, this could not happen before we took a very cold ride on Les Bateaux Mouches, my favorite touristy thing to do in Paris. It's a boat ride down the Seine, and it gives some of the most beautiful views of Paris you can get, especially at night. Also, the Eiffel Tower is not as big as it looks, as the above picture shows.

Some culturally significant structure...

The National Assembly! It was so cool to see this after having studied the revolution for so long...

Some peeps on a bridge.

Notre Dame from the Seine.

Mom was kind of cold, I guess?

Me and a building filled with old books!


I know it would be nerdy to point out the irony that this specific picture was numbered "1066" in my files, completely by coincidence, so I won't. Nope.

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