Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ireland Part 1: Bray

Just when I was convinced that no coast could hold a candle to the Gower and Pembrokeshire coast area in Wales, I visited my friend Kyle in Ireland. Our first outing was to Bray. I couldn't stop taking pictures, or thinking how beautiful it was. As a side note, I CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN.

This is the "mountain" I climbed. It's more of a really, really big hill. But it has this cross on top, and every Good Friday, the faithful make a pilgrimage all the way up to the top. Which, you know, is pretty cool.

2/2 Bishop McGuinness graduates agree: This place is prolly haunted.

Climbing up Bray Head...

Almost to the top!

The last leg of the trip was a scramble up some boulders. Which, you know, I'm perfectly well equipped for, being a beast and all.

Secret #1: Definitely took these pictures as an excuse to take a break.

The top of the mountain!

See that blurry thing? That, gentle reader, is Wales.

This picture made me think of Mom---I forget what you call this particular sport, but we watched this guy for a while. In a non-creepy way.

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