Sunday, April 25, 2010

Return to the Gower...Pictures from Mareike's Camera

Peri, Mareike and I.

Preparing to hike in the Gower. And by hike, I mostly mean walk. And by preparing, I mean sitting around eating biscuits.

This picture is funny, because it looks as though I'm in some way inclined to make the same climb Peri just did. Pfft.

Mareike is obviously a model.

Pretty Pretty.

Peri, looking mysterious.

And that is how I killed them.

This is one of my favorite parts of the Gower...If you climb all the way down to where the shore meets the coast, it's this vast rocky expanse that is pretty fun to climb around. Below, observe our antics. :)

Some FINE ninja moves.

Mareike took all of these pictures when I was NOT paying attention. Which in some cultures is known as stalking.

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